15 Tips for you Social Media Strategy
A strong Social Media Strategy is going to become more important than every in your inbound marketing efforts. Also, with the changes in SEO the past few months, the efforts we put into social media will have a bigger impact on our site rankings.
So how can you gain some traction in the social channels that you participate in? First of all is make sure you have a plan. You should take some time to plan out your inbound marketing and how that relates to your social media strategy and your SEO efforts.
To get an idea for what is to come, we polled some of the people we follow that are influential on social media trends and have a good insight on what you should include in your social media strategy.
Tips for Social Media from Twitter
Hi Matt. Shift thinking from “social media” as disparate form of marketing to building full on “social business.”
@damangmedia be active..less automation
listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen ………TALK
@itstrue @JohnAguiar Good one. I’d challenge folks to take it offline once in a while. Go for a coffee or be sure to meet at an event.
@itstrue @kikolani to pretty please make this the year we build business with social in mind instead of lingering on tools.
@itstrue @AmberCadabra Whether you like it or not, you better take Google+ seriously by creating great profiles / pages and using them! 🙂
I would go by what we have been striving to do for the past year, 100% engagement. Be able to listen and contribute to the convo. ^ML
For big companies, your social channels shouldn’t just be a place for fans to come to get problems fixed…It should be a place where they come to strike a conversation. When you see that happening, you know you’re doing things right. ^ML
@itstrue My #1 rule: Provide value, whether it’s being educational or entertaining.
@damangmedia My best #sm advice for 2012: Don’t expect it to be like 2011! Stay social, keep learning.
@damangmedia Engage!!
@damangmedia that’s a tough question! I suppose make your posts meaningful and don’t spam followers with constant updates
@itstrue don’t tack names onto a tweet to get attention #2012advice
Just do awesome things and share… people who are supposed to be in your life will come into it.
These are some great tips to get you started on putting together your social media strategy for your business. It is important also to consider your SEO when you put the social media strategy together.
Really social media and seo should be put together and become an overall inbound marketing for business plan. If you want to improve your ROI on your online marketing efforts use these tips and participate in your channels of choice and I am sure you will be pleased with the results.
What tips do you have for putting together improving your social media ROI? Please share in the comments below or post on Twitter with the hashtag #socialmediastrategy we will update the results as we get more tips.